By Dr. Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension State Soybean Specialist, Adapted from C.O.R.N. 2020-16

While progress is way ahead of last year, soybean planting is spilling into June. (According to USDA NASS, 53% of soybean acreage was planted by May 24, 2020. Last year, at the same time, only 11% of soybean acreage was planted.) As planting continues into June, farmers may want to consider adjusting their cultural practices.


Soybean planted in narrow rows (7.5 or 15-inch row width) generally yields higher than soybean planted in wide rows (30-inch). The row spacing for June-planted soybeans should be 7.5 to 15 inches, if possible. Row width should be narrow enough for the soybean canopy to completely cover the interrow space by the time the soybean plants begin to flower. The later in the growing season soybeans are planted, the higher the yield increase due to narrow rows.

Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension Soybean and Small Grains Specialist


Higher seeding rates are recommended for June planting dates. The final (harvest) population for soybean planted in June should be 130,000 to 150,000 plants/acre. (For May planting dates, a final stand of 100,000 to 120,000 plants/acre is generally adequate.)


Plant the latest maturity variety that will reach physiological maturity before the first killing frost. This is to allow the plants to grow vegetatively as long as possible to produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to flowering and pod formation.


The recommended relative maturity ranges are based on the region of the state and planting date. In Northern Ohio, if planting between June 1 through June 15, farmers should consider a 3.2-3.8 bean; if planting June 15 through June 30, a 3.1-3.5 bean should be considered; and for July 1 through July 10, a 3.0-3.3 bean.


In Central Ohio, if planting between June 1 through June 15, farmers should consider a 3.4-4.0 bean; if planting June 15 through June 30, a 3.3-3.7 bean should be considered; and for July 1 through July 10, a 3.2-3.5 bean.


In Southern Ohio, if planting between June 1 through June 15, farmers should consider a 3.6-4.2 bean; if planting June 15 through June 30, a 3.5-3.9 bean should be considered; and for July 1 through July 10, a 3.4-3.7 bean.

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